FavyFav Teleports Us To RuPaul's DragCon

Episode 94


In this very special episode FavyFav teleports us to RuPaul's DragCon in New York City and interviews un chingo de dragas! Desde la Jiggly Caliente hasta la Nicole Paige Brooks to Dida Ritz…this episode is filled with amazing clips from Favy's adventure en la gran manzana! Listen in as he hangs out with the girls from Grizzly Kiki, meets some LWL listeners waiting in line for their favorite queen, talks "Selenatology" with Jaymes Mansfield y mucho, mucho mas!!! And as always stick around for some recommendations and remember to send your questions to AskLWLPod@gmail.com and we might read them on a future episode! #supportlatinxpodcasts #supportbrownpodcasts #asklwlpod