Episode 96
This week we get all up in our feelings! In this Guara Guara episode FavyFav and Babelito get deep and reveal some of the problems of being away from home. Babelito talks about his first experience with therapy and Favy describes some of the struggles of being one of the hardest working Latinx artists out there. They also review the Netflix series "Made in Mexico" and guess what Mimi? They despised it! Babelito tells us why he hated the iconic classical Mexican movie, "Nosotros los Pobres," and Favy reads a listener letter concerning the illusion of the American dream, and the difficulties behind working in the education sector of this country. Please send your questions to AskLWLPod@gmail.com and we might read them on a future episode! #podin #supportbrownpodcasts #supportlatinxpodcasts #lwlpod #translivesmatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights.
Cinco Rabanitos | Breckenridge Creative Arts | Latino and Ski | Tea with Queen and J | Grizzly Kiki | Sugar Hill Children's Museum | Damien Davis | Radio Menea | Berman Museum | Made in México | Nosotros los Pores | Faith Ringgold | New York Times | Museum of Trans Hirstory and Art | Sharon Louden | Christ E. Vargas | Cabronas y Chignonas